RSVP to Your Stewardship Meeting!
Check for YOUR date in YOUR letter!
RSVP HERE!! or here:
Make sure to check the date for your specific meeting in the letter you received.
Make sure to check the date for your specific meeting in the letter you received.
Time & Talents: Everybody Has Something to Offer!
Dear Church, God has given the staff of Trinity the responsibility and privilege for you the members of the church to do the work of the church. You are not merely an observer of God's ministry here, you are an active participant. So, we need you to be an active volunteer! The staff cannot (and should not!) do this work alone, and neither should the same people every week. We invite you to re-engage in this ministry for yourself and for your community.
Everybody has been blessed with gifts and abilities to share and here at Trinity, we have a form to help you discern how you want to use your talents. Please complete one registry for each family member (including kids) by clicking HERE! We think it is easier to complete online but if you prefer a paper copy they are always available in the church office and at the Welcome Desk. Just remember you will need to return it to Amanda.
Everybody has been blessed with gifts and abilities to share and here at Trinity, we have a form to help you discern how you want to use your talents. Please complete one registry for each family member (including kids) by clicking HERE! We think it is easier to complete online but if you prefer a paper copy they are always available in the church office and at the Welcome Desk. Just remember you will need to return it to Amanda.
Stewardship emphasis is usually done in the fall –but our Ministry Funds Plan for the new year is often being finalized at the same time and we do not use our pledges for budgeting purposes. This year, we are making our stewardship appeal in the Spring –to commit to the Ministry Funds Plan that has already been approved and needs your support in 2023! Regardless of stewardship conversation in Spring or Fall, giving is the hardest topic for us to talk about in the church. It may be because the traditional view of giving is that it is a private affair between the giver and God, kept secret due to fear of judgment and guilt, or sense of ego, boasting, and ranking. Some believe that pastoral attention or power is given based on the amount of money that comes in from each family –which is not true! While giving is between us and God on many extents, (and Trinity will never publish your records) there is value in how our community engages financial stewardship transparently. To share more open and honest about both the joy and challenge of giving. The early Christian communities of Paul modeled for us the best way to share resources with the saints. Every family has a different ability to give, and so often the stewardship message -“Give a little more” -fails to acknowledge how God has gifted us differently. We appreciate every gift and value the specific reasons why some can give $10,000, and others cannot give at all. We understand that life circumstances change our giving habits. We also believe that giving habits reflect our spiritual lives, an indicator of our relationship with God and the church. Transparent stewardship helps us to care for one another better. With Transparent Stewardship, the conversation, message, and ask will be crafted specifically for you.In February and March, the stewardship team will gather small groups for -specified by annual giving. You will be receiving a letter inviting you to a meeting where we will celebrate the gifts you give and share transparently where we are and where we are going as church. Please make every effort to attend these meetings! On the weekend of March 25/26 we will have Commitment Weekend! Together, may we trust God and this community enough to be transparent with one another –confident in the present and future of this congregation, so that we will generously invest our time, talent and financial offerings –joyfully sharing all that God has given us.