Caring for our neighbors and the earth.
In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul stated, “… in one body we have many members and not all the members have the same function…” Each of the ministries at Trinity has different functions, but as one body we support God’s kingdom here on earth. The Social and Eco Justice Ministry focuses on two interrelated missions, caring for our neighbors and caring for the earth. Having clean water and air and sustain-ably using the land has a direct correlation to meeting the basic needs for people living in poverty as well as the well-being of all humankind. Throughout the year, we organize events to raise awareness of problems caused by poverty and environmental conflicts and how we as a congregation can help by giving our time and dollars. Some of activities include:
Trinity's Bike Group
A bike friendly organization, Trinity Lutheran Church is involved in many activities in the local and national bicycle community.
Stand with EthiopiaPrograms and music raise awareness of women living in poverty in Ethiopia and explain how micro-loans change their lives. Alternative Giving FairNational and local non-profits sell items or accept donations for ELCA, Heifer International, H.E.L.P. Uganda, and many more. It is held annually on the first Sunday of December.
Gardening Group
The vegetable garden produces a bountiful harvest for members of Trinity. Surplus vegetables are taken to the Larimer County Food Bank.
Faith Family HospitalityTrinity Lutheran Church is a FFH host site and Ft. Collins Friends Meeting is our support congregation.
Local and World HungerMembers donate dollars and food to the Larimer County Food Bank and support other local organizations as well as donating to ELCA World Hunger.
EnvironmentLearn about our partnership with ClimateWise. See how we get involved in Earth Day and other environmental discussions/topics.